This application lets you follow games of football at the Euro 2016 in France. It is easy to use and you can quickly access the most needed data about football (soccer) championships by defining contents of tabs.
- full data customization - tracking chosen teams, groups and matches
- schedule of all matches in the championship
- match details including scorers, line-up, substitute players, cards, the list of substitutions
- add/removal of own tabs
- browsing results in off line mode - without Internet connection
- history of previous results of finals
- news about the current tournament and European Championship 2020
- setting application specific time zone
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">此应用程序可让您遵循2016年法国足球欧元的比赛。这是很容易使用,你可以快速地通过定义标签的内容访问有关足球(足球)最需要的数据冠军。
- 完整的数据定制 - 跟踪选定的团队,团体和火柴
- 所有的日程安排在比赛冠军
- 比赛细节,包括得分手,阵容,替补球员,卡,替换名单
- 添加/移除自己的标签
- 浏览结果在离线模式 - 没有互联网连接
- 总决赛之前的结果历史
- 关于当前锦标赛,欧洲锦标赛2020年新闻
- 设置特定应用时区</div> <div class="show-more-end">